Echo River Ranch

   Five Plus Three
   Equals Eighty

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Friday - August 8, 1986 page 18

Pam started to get stomach sick on her way down the hill, but she made it by shear determination or want to go home. As the trail finally leveled off, the group passed a large white tent where the trail crew was staying. The trail was not as new here, so the dust was less. The forest was also quite pretty, old growth trees with only a little under brush.

As they neared Berry Patch, they could see the horse trailers through the trees. No one was at the rigs, but the group came in loud and unsaddled in a cheery and excited mood.

Mary and Bill (chauffeurs) had been waiting down by a nearby lake, they soon came back and everyone loaded up the trailers to haul up to Soda Springs for the remainder of the weekend. Danie (Kesi’s mother) showed up at Berry Patch just before the others left and followed the trailers to a camp near the springs.



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